Getting the Most Benefit From Your Policy

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The key to getting the most benefit from your health
insurance policy is knowing your policy coverage.

Many people don’t actually read the policy for the
policy plan book; they may not be aware that the
policy may pay 100% of certain procedures, like annual
physicals, mammograms, flu shots or certain labs

The policy plan book will outline for you what
procedures are not subject to the deductible or co-pay
(your out-of-pocket expense).

Some insurance companies have shifted their emphasis
from health insurance to health improvement and
maintenance and will pay for the cost of gym
membership, nutritional counseling or plans to stop

If you were trying to lose weight and knew that you
could get these services at no cost, wouldn’t you take
advantage of them?

If you wanted to quit smoking, wouldn’t it be
beneficial to know that you could get the patch for

It is very wise to know what services are available to
you through your insurance company, and you will only
know if you take the time to read through your policy.

Health insurance is an expensive item; take advantage
of every aspect of it that you can, not only for
yourself but for the members of your family.

By taking full advantage of the free benefits of your
health insurance policy, you will be healthier and
possibly require fewer visits to your doctor.
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Prescription Insurance Policies

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Some health insurance policies do not provide for
prescription coverage and a separate policy must be
purchased for prescription medications.

This is an area where it pays to do some homework and
research and find the best policy for you.

Prescription coverage insurance is not a necessity;
like health insurance coverage, it is a calculated
risk, although the risk is not as high.

Usually you can buy prescription insurance at any
time, so if the doctor determines that you need an
expensive maintenance drug, you may opt in at that

It is important to know that if you presently have
prescription insurance you can usually only change it
at a specific time of the year, although you can add
new prescriptions, you can’t change plans.

The person who seldom takes prescription medications
probably does not need prescription insurance;
however, a person who takes maintenance drugs for high
blood pressure, diabetes, depression, heart disease or
immune disorders most likely needs insurance against
the high costs of drugs.

Prescription insurance policies usually have "tiers",
which usually means that a generic drug is at a low or
no co-pay, a tier 2 level may be the brand name
genuine, and a tier 3 may be a brand new expensive
drug that the co-pay could be a set high-percentage of
the cost.

In choosing prescription insurance, you should first
list the prescriptions that you take and the retail
amount of them. If you chose not to purchase
insurance, this would be your monthly cost.

Find out from the provider what the monthly premium
for you would be, then what the prescription co-pay
amount would be and add these two figures together.
Which is the less expensive alternative?
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The Importance of Keeping Good Files

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As in everything that involves money, it is important
to keep good records of your medical expenses for many

Keeping track of deductibles, especially for a family,
can be time consuming, but is an important task. Every
policy has different deductibles for lab work,
hospital emergency room visits, hospital stays, doctor
visits and x-rays, and it is often difficult to track.

Keeping track of your out-of-pocket expenses becomes
very important when it comes time to complete your
taxes. It also comes in handy to know what your
expenses are for medical care when choosing to change
companies or policies.

A file folder that includes a copy of the policy,
copies of your medical bills and copies of what your
insurance company has paid on those bills is usually
all you will need.

When a bill comes for a provider, you will usually
receive a statement from your insurance company
showing what portion of the bill they paid, and many
times providers write off the remainder, if it is not
a large sum.

If you visit several doctors, you may want to have a
file folder for each doctor or provider.

Insurance companies do occasionally make mistakes, but
they are usually on top of their game. Having a copy
of the policy handy makes it easy to check deductible
levels and whether a particular service is covered or

It also serves as a ready resource for telephone
numbers, website information and your contact at the
insurance company.
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